Equine Answeres tilskudd for sterkere høver.
Methionine and Lysine are essential ingredients in hoof supplements because as amino acids they help the horse by providing the building blocks of strong hoof horn. If they are in short supply they inhibit the metabolism of protein therefore affecting horn quality.
MSM is present in keratin, a necessary substance for healthy hooves. People using MSM often report their finger nails growing faster and harder and the same is experienced with horses on MSM.
Zinc, copper and manganese are minerals that play a part in the formation of keratin and collagen which are vital for sustaining healthy skin, hair, cartilage, bone and hooves. These minerals are provided in Farriers Favourite in organic form so that they are more easily absorbed by the horse. Zinc in particular has a positive effect in maintaining hoof quality.
In our belief of using natural ingredients wherever possible, Farriers Favourite hoof supplement contains cooked whole linseed which is one of the best forms of naturally occurring biotin. Often fantastic coat condition will be visible when using Farriers Favourite because the coat is made up of similar proteins to those in the hoof.